Spring and Fall Planting Instructions
Spring Green Garlic * Dutch Red Shallots * Belmonda Potatoes * Fall Garlic
Planting & Harvest Instructions

Spring Garlic
Plant 3” deep in well drained soil as soon as ground can be worked in late Winter or early Spring. Plant the entire bulb to grow in a “bunch" or separate into cloves. Water as needed. If you can pinch your soil and it holds together easily, it is moist enough. Don’t let the soil dry out too much or the plants will be stunted. Harvest when plants are 10-12” tall in the “green onion” stage. Use in stir-frys, soups or on the grill to add some amazing garlic goodness to your meal.

Dutch Red Shallots
Gently separate any clusters and plant root side down, pointy side up, in late Winter or early Spring. Do not peel. Plant 1–2” deep and 3–6” apart in an area that gets full sun. Shallots like fertile, well-drained soil. Fertilizing can be done after planting and repeated in early Summer. Water weekly or as needed. If you can pinch your soil and it holds together easily it is moist enough. Mulch to help to conserve water, reduce weeds, and provide extra nutrients. Harvest when most of the tops have fallen over. Bulbs store best in cool, dry conditions. Use these versatile mellow-flavored alliums raw in salads and dressings, as aromatics, roasted, sauteed, or added to your favorite dish.

Belmonda Potatoes
Plant during the cool weather of early Spring, once the soil can be worked. Cut potatoes into 2-3 oz. pieces containing at least one “eye” each. Space potato plants 12 to 14 inches apart in an area with loose, fertile soil. Once the stems reach 8 inches tall, mound soil around the lower half of the stem to protect tubers from sunlight. Repeat in 2 to 3 weeks. Harvest as new potatoes 2 to 3 weeks after plants flower or after the foliage has died off for long-term storage. Belmonda is a delicious all-purpose potato with yellow skin and flesh. It produces large, uniform tubers that are oval shaped with shallow eyes. This high-yielding variety is drought and heat tolerant.

Fall Seed Garlic
Plant in the Fall. Late September until December.
Break your garlic bulbs apart into individual cloves. You will be planting approximately 6 inches apart and about 3 or 4 inches deep. Remember that the cloves have a top and a bottom so be sure to plant with the root side down.
You can mulch by covering the planted area with straw, leaves or grass clippings. The more weed free the better. Mulching will conserve water and act as a natural weed barrier. Mulching is optional.
If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain it is probably best not to mulch so the garlic does not remain too wet, especially toward the end of the season.
Weed as needed through the Spring and harvest in late June to Early July.